We’re always seeking for fresh authors and stories to publish. If you believe a topic is significant or requires more explanation, we are likely to agree. It is usually easier to write about something you are enthusiastic about than it is to write about something that does not interest you.

Web Series, artists, Movie Story, Reviews & Overviews for Music, Theater/Cinema, actors, and Actress are some of the topics covered in our entertainment articles and blogs.

Please have a look at a few of our published articles before writing a guest post for our platform to get a sense of the style, structure, quality, and format of our pieces.

Bhojpuri Gallery has a targeted audience in the above Entertainment domains around the globe. The major audience is from the USA, UK, India, Mauritius, Canada, Australia, Pakistan, Japan, Singapore, Dubai, UAE, Ireland, Philippines, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, China, Indonesia, Brazil, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Bangladesh, Mexico, Iran, Viet Nam, Turkey, Egypt, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Italy, Poland, Argentina, South Africa, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Ukraine, Algeria, Morocco, Taiwan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Myanmar, Netherlands, Peru, Chile, Kazakhstan, Romania, Sudan, Ghana, Uganda, Belgium, Sweden, Ecuador, Tanzania, Kenya, Switzerland, Greece, Austria, Portugal, Yemen, Hungary, Sri Lanka, Belarus, Israel, Hong Kong, Jordan, Nepal, Serbia, Cuba, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Singapore, Bulgaria, Zimbabwe, Slovakia, New Zealand, Angola, Paraguay, Kuwait, Ireland, Oman, Costa Rica, Croatia, Qatar, Panama, Georgia, Uruguay, Lithuania, Albania, Armenia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Latvia, Bahrain, Jamaica, Libya, Estonia, Trinidad and Tobago, Gabon, Cyprus, Namibia, Luxembourg, Djibouti, Macau, Fiji, Montenegro, Brunei, Bhutan, Malta, Bahamas, Iceland, Maldives, Barbados, Aruba, Etc. Hence your work will be exposed to worldwide.

Your article submission should:

  • Min 500 words
  • Should be interesting
  • English only
  • Good grammar
  • It should be original, and unpublished
  • Need catchy title and be SEO-friendly.
  • Based on research, facts, or experience.
  • We reserve the right to edit, modify, and reject sections of the article if it is not on par with our quality at our own discretion.
  • The post must be non-promotional

We can handle any type of submission but prefer email. Try to give us some help by mentioning the subject in the header of the email.

Email us at: [email protected]

Write for Us Entertainment, Movies, Music Actor and Actress

  • write for us “music”
  • write for us “movies”
  • write for us “entertainment”
  • “write for us” + “music”
  • “write for us” + “movies”
  • “write for us” + “entertainment”
  • “music” + “submit guest post”
  • “movies” + “submit guest post”
  • “entertainment” + “submit guest post”
  • “music” + “become a contributor”
  • “movies” + “become a contributor”
  • “entertainment” + “become a contributor”
  • “submit guest post” + “music”
  • “submit guest post” + “movies”
  • “submit guest post” + “entertainment”
  • “guest post” + “music”
  • “guest post” + “movies”
  • “guest post” + “entertainment”
  • “music” + “guest post guidelines”
  • “movies” + “guest post guidelines”
  • “entertainment” + “guest post guidelines”