John Wick Best Action Movies

Why is John Wick Among the Best Action Movies of all Time?

We’re sure you must have seen a lot of action movies but you should know that John Wick is the kind of movie that would stand out from the rest of them. The best part about John Wick is that the main lead in the movie, John himself, is played by Keanu Reeves who is among the most loved people in the world. Keanu is not only an amazing actor but he is also an amazing human being and how could one not love him given all that he does?

Keanu has starred in multiple movies that have performed wonderfully over the years such as The Matrix, Speed, and The Devil’s Advocate. If you wish to watch all of these movies, including John Wick, you can stream them online but for that, you would need an internet connection that is fast enough so we would suggest looking into Spectrum WiFi for its immaculate performance.

Coming back to John Wick, here are some important reasons why John Wick is certainly among the best action movies of all time and everything that is best about the John Wick series which would compel you to watch it:

A Vengeance Story Like No Other

Would you imagine that this movie is a vengeance story for a dog that was murdered? It starts off with John getting caught up in a feud because someone murdered his dog which was gifted to him as a parting gift by his wife who passed away. The puppy actually holds a lot of significance for John since John is a retired assassin and the puppy was the only thing that John could channel his love to after his wife had passed.

If you are someone who is a fan of revenge stories, then John Wick is something that you should most definitely watch.

Fight Sequences as you have Never Seen Before

John Wick isn’t your average action movie because it features the kind of fights that are true to life, where John isn’t the only one beating people to a pulp but he also takes a lot of damage as well, especially considering the type of work he is involved in where he is surrounded by killers and assassins who kill people for a living. The movie also shows as John runs out of bullets and he needs to make each bullet count. The kind of fighting style that John Wick follows is something new called “gun-fu” which is a combination of using guns and fist-fighting.

Keanu Reeves also gave a lot of time to training for the role as he practiced using gins, reloading them, and then making use of his fists as well. He also holds a record for the least time taken to fire guns and reloads them when needed. John Wick isn’t really John Wick without all the fighting that it features.

The Kind of Combat you Won’t Find in other Movies

As mentioned earlier, John Wick pays a lot of attention to the combat that is featured in the movie. Keanu has taken a lot of training for all the combat scenes and the best part is that each scene in the movie is actually oddly satisfying. All of the fights featured in the movie were choreographed by Jonathan Eusebio who made a lot of effort to make it seem that the fights were as realistic as possible.

This is exactly why we get to see John get heavily injured as well and yet he chooses to continue his fights. John gets beaten up in the worst ways possible and he doesn’t always have a magazine ready, he needs to gather all his resources as he fights and he takes his time to reload as well.

Unforgettable Moments in the Movie

There are some moments in the movie that will be burnt into your memory because of how amazing they are. For instance, one such moment in the first movie is when John heads to a club called “Red Circle” where he is looking for the guy who killed his puppy. In order to mask his shots in the sound, John times his bullets with the beat of the music if you listen close enough so that the people in the club would not notice his gunshots. This smallest attention to detail makes the movie very interesting to watch. Similarly, when John goes all in against the High Table, the movie starts getting pretty intense and the audience is most certainly on the edge of their seats.

Wrapping Up

These are some reasons that make it obligatory for you to watch John Wick since all of these reasons make the movie stand out from every other action movie that you will watch. So be sure to watch all of the John Wick movies considering the 4th part just very recently came out!

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